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iPhone/iPad version is in ISO app store.
Duplicate bridge score
IMP - International Match Point
VP - Victory Point

Input the following information:
Open Room: (1) declarer (2) contract (3) result
Close Room: (1) declarer (2) contract (3) result

Touch the cell in the declarer/contract/result column to input and modify the information.

New - Clean all data of the score table.
8Total - Show the total IMP and VP of 8 deals.
12Total - Show the total IMP and VP of 12 deals.
14Total - Show the total IMP and VP of 14 deals.
16Total - Show the total IMP and VP of 16 deals.
20Total - Show the total IMP and VP of 20 deals.
24Total - Show the total IMP and VP of 24 deals.
28Total - Show the total IMP and VP of 28 deals.
32Total - Show the total IMP and VP of 32 deals.
36Total - Show the total IMP and VP of 36 deals.
40Total - Show the total IMP and VP of 40 deals.
48Total - Show the total IMP and VP of 48 deals.